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Health & Social Care - Online
ADHD Awareness

45 minutes

Autism Awareness

30 minutes

Dementia Awareness

25 minutes

Diabetes Awareness

45 minutes

Dignity and Privacy

45 minutes

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

80 mins* 

Duty of Care

50 minutes

End of Life Care

25 minutes

Epilepsy Awareness

30 minutes

Handling Information in a Care Setting

20 minutes

Health & Safety in a Care Setting

80 mins* 

Infection Control

60 minutes

Introduction to the EYFS

60 minutes

Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines

60 minutes

Learning Disabilities Awareness

50 minutes

Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards

75 minutes

Mental Health Awareness

25 minutes

Nutrition and Hydration

65 minutes

Person-Centred Care

45 minutes

Positive Handling in Schools

100 minutes

Prevent Duty

65 minutes

Principles of Communication

75 minutes

Safeguarding Adults

75 minutes

Safeguarding Children

75 minutes

Sharps Awareness

55 minutes

Stroke Awareness

55 mins* 

Understanding your Role in Care

40 minutes

Your Personal Development

35 minutes

Business Skills - Online
Alcohol Personal Licence Holder

90 Mins*

Anti Harassment and Bullying

32 mins*

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

50 Mins*

Anti-Money Laundering

50 mins*

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

45 mins*

Customer Service

75 mins*

Cyber Security

25 mins*

Developing Good Employee Relations

45 mins*

Developing Teamwork

30 mins*

Disciplinary Procedures

45 mins*

Effective Delegation

110 mins*

Equality, Diversity and Discrimination

70 mins*

Facebook for Business

80 mins*

Introducing GDPR

60 mins

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

50 mins*

Leadership Skills

90 mins*

Licensed Premises Staff Training

60 mins*

LinkedIn for Business

45 mins*

Managing Meetings

60 mins*

Managing Sickness and Absence

30 mins*

Negotiation Skills

46 mins*

Objective Setting

30 mins*

Presentation Skills

55 mins*

Project Management

90 mins*

Sales Skills

120 mins*

Search Engine Optimisation for Business

80 mins*

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

55 mins*

Social Media for Business

100 mins*

Stress Management

30 mins*

The Principles of Performance Management

55 mins*

Time Management

105 mins*

Twitter for Business

55 mins*

Health & Safety - Online
Abrasive Wheels

100 mins*

Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5

50 mins*

Allergen Awareness

100 mins*

Asbestos Awareness

65 mins*

Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers

75 mins*

Assessing Display Screen Equipment

110 mins*

Basic Fire Safety Awareness

60 mins*

Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes

60 mins*

Basic Legionella Management

75 mins*

Behavioural Safety

45 mins*

CDM Awareness

40 mins*

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

125 mins*

Covid-19 Safe Workplaces

30 mins*

Display Screen Equipment Awareness

50 mins*

Electrical Safety

45 mins*

Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher

150 mins*

Fire Extinguisher

25 mins*

Fire Marshal

220 mins*

Fire Marshal for Care Homes

220 mins*

Introduction to HACCP Level 2

80 mins*

Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers

45 mins*

Introduction to Risk Assessment

90 mins*

Level 1 Food Safety - Catering

50 mins*

Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing

50 mins*

Level 1 Food Safety - Retail

50 mins*

Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment

65 mins*

Level 2 Food Safety - Catering

75 mins*

Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing

75 mins*

Level 2 Food Safety - Retail

75 mins*

Lockdown Procedures in Schools

60 mins

Manual Handling

75 mins*

Noise Awareness

55 mins*

Paediatric First Aid

115 mins

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

60 mins*

Preparation - CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test

120 mins*

Slips, Trips and Falls

60 mins*

Supervising Food Safety - Level 3

75 mins*

Working Safely

150 mins*

Working at Height

105 mins*

Working in Confined Spaces

25 mins*

Working within the Private Security Industry

90 mins

Workplace Health and Safety

45 mins*

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